Texas Home Rescuers


Texas Home Rescuers

Do NOT sell to ANY investor without talking to us first!

We explain ALL of your options so you can make the best decision for YOU!

Greater Houston (832) 663-0496
Dallas/Fort Worth ‪(817) 264-7139
Austin/San Antonio (512) 537-8577

Texas Home Rescuers help homeowners avoid upcoming mortgage foreclosure.

Are You Falling Behind on Payments or Currently in Foreclosure?

Foreclosure is often brought about by unfortunate conditions that happened beyond one’s control. Foreclosure is typically the “atomic bomb” of credit hits. Banks promise to work with you and 95% of the time, they will drop the ball, leaving your property to be auctioned off on the county courthouse steps. We see it happen every month to good people.

You will get bombarded with people ringing your doorbell and sending mail, promising to get you out of foreclosure. Unfortunately, there are also tons of scams out there, promising to stop the foreclosure and save your house. Time is critical and you lose negotiating leverage the longer you wait. Once you get notice of foreclosure, it is typically too late to list your house with a realtor, make the needed repairs and wait for a buyer to go through the loan approval process. We create win-win situations for everyone involved, we can close quickly and can typically put some cash in your pocket so you can move on to a happier life. And we can help save your credit from the “atomic bomb” of blows so you can reestablish yourself much faster. We will save YOU from foreclosure so you can get your life back.

Contact us to better understand all of your options!